16SepJune 22, 2021 By DoCli SportsDocs many Docs do sport! There are a bunch of winners even of olympic medals. There is a world union of soccer docs and some international competitionsContinue Reading→
16SepApril 24, 2021 By DoCli WriterDocs There is the German and the world WriterDocs association so that we can invite authors for lectures. Of course we collect EXTRA-medical literatureContinue Reading→
16SepApril 24, 2021 By DoCli ArtDocs There are many docs who paint of even sculpture as Dr. Mark Seraly from Pennsylvania in our picture. So we plan to have exhibitions and workshops Continue Reading→
16SepApril 24, 2021 By DoCli MusicDocs MANY docs are amateur musicians and there is an amazing number of PROFESSIONAL MusicDocs even on the big music market. There are MusicDocs from anContinue Reading→